
Digest for American Reporting of Known or Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect


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WHO:        ALL persons are urged and authorized to report.  [Code Ann. § 45.2002]

The following are mandatory (MUST report):  • Physicians or surgeons, including physicians in training, osteopaths, optometrists, chiropractors, podiatrists, child health associates, medical examiners or coroners, dentists, nurses, or hospital personnel • Christian Science practitioners • School officials or employees • Social workers or workers in family care homes or child care centers • Mental health professionals.  [Code Ann. § 45.2002] 

·        NOTE: The mandate is not limited to observations made while reporters practice their professions. The mandate covers observations made at any time.

·        STANDARD:  Child means either (a) under age 18; (b) determined by a health professional to have a mental capacity under age 18; or (c) developmentally disabled, regardless of age.  [Code Ann. §§ 45.0103(3); 45.2002(A),(C)]        

                                 (1)     For mandatory reporters: (a) reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect; OR (b) observation of a child being subjected to circumstances or conditions that would result in abuse or neglect. 

                                 (2)     For others: (a) known or suspected child abuse or neglect; OR (b) circumstances or conditions which might reasonably result in child abuse or neglect.

·        PRIVILEGE: Physician-patient & husband-wife privilege CANNOT exclude evidence.  [Code Ann. § 45.2016]  Common law governs privilege.  [Am. Samoa R. Evid. 501]   


WHEN:      Mandatory reporters: IMMEDIATE report OR cause one to be made.  [Code Ann. § 45.2002(a),(c)]  The reporting logistics are not described online.


WHERE & HOW:  To Child Protection Services (CPS) agency, in writing IF CPS requests it. [Ann. Code § 45.2010]  CPS is in the Department of Human and Social Services (DHSS).   

·       LIAISON: As of 2018 the child abuse & neglect liaison officer was Asst. Director Talalupelele Sunia-Fiso, American Samoa Department of Human & Social Services, Social Services Division, Adoptions Office, PO Box 997534, Pago Pago, AS 96799, Phone: (684) 699-1300, Fax: (684) 633-7449, Email: tfsunia@yahoo.com.

·       CCD: The childcare division (CCD) contact info is: c/o DHSS 997534 Centennial Office Bldg., Ste. 301 Utulei, American Samoa 96799; phone (684) 633-1571 / 1572 / 1573, fax (684) 633-1504; Email: childcare@dhss.as; http://dhss.as/contact_childcare.html .

·       DEATHS known or reasonably suspected to be a result of abuse or neglect must be reported to the Dept. of Public Safety.  [Code Ann. § 45.2003]  Phone (684) 633-1111;  Fax (684) 633-7296; web page https://www.odmp.org/agency/90-american-samoa-department-of-public-safety-american-samoa .

·       REPORT DETAILS: Mandated reports in writing must include: (a) child’s name, address, age, sex, religion, & race; (b) name & address of person responsible for the child; (c) nature & extent of child's injuries, including any evidence of previous abuse or neglect; (d) name(s) & address(es) of person(s) responsible for abuse or neglect; (e) child’s family composition; (f) reporter’s name, address, & occupation; (g) any action by the reporter; and (h) any other info that may help.  [Code Ann. § 45.2010]

·       REPORTER PROTECTION: (1) A reporter must give his/her name, address & occupation.  [Code Ann. § 45.2010]  (2) Reporter identity is not released to a report’s subject if that would risk safety or interests.  [Code Ann. § 45.2027]  (3) Reports in good faith (presumed) are immune from civil & criminal liability.  [Code Ann. 45.2012]

WHY:        Willfully violating § 45.2002(a) (reporting requirement) is a class A misdemeanor and liable for damages proximately caused [i.e., as a result of that].  [Code Ann. § 45.2002(d)].


WHAT:      American Samoa defines abuse and neglect to include physical, mental, and sexual abuse,  sexual exploitation, deprivation, dependency, abandonment, and injurious environment. Children who are homeless, runaways, or otherwise without proper parental care through no fault of the caregivers should also be reported.   [Code Ann. § 45.2001(a)(1)]  

Initial Screening Criteria: the statutes and other materials reviewed do not list these.

Reportable: (1) anyone for physical, mental, or sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation; (2) persons responsible for the child for deprivation or injurious environment; (3) only a parent, guardian, or legal custodian for abandonment or failure to provide proper parental care; or (4) the child for homelessness, runaway, or without proper parental care through no fault of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian.  [Code Ann. § 45.2001(a)(1)]

·        Persons responsible for a child [caregivers] include: (a) the parent, legal guardian, or custodian; (b) any residential facility employee; (c) any staff for out-of-home care or other provided-care settings for children; and (d) any other person responsible for the child's health and welfare.  [Code Ann. § 45.2001(f)]

Abuse or Neglect means an act or omission in one of the following categories that seriously threatens a child’s health or welfare.  [Code Ann. § 45.2001(a)(1)]

(A)    Physical Injury:  [Code Ann. § 45.2001(a)(1)(A)]

(1)     HARMS: evidence of: (a) serious bruising; (b) bleeding; (c) malnutrition; (d) failure to thrive; (e) burns; (f) bone fracture; (g) subdural hematoma; (h) soft tissue swelling; or (i) death; and

(2)     NON-ACCIDENTAL: (a) the condition or death is not justifiably explained; (b) the history (explanation) given for the harm is at variance with its degree or type; or (c) circumstances indicate that the harm may not be by accident.

(3)     NOTE #1:  Reasonable, culturally accepted parental discipline is NOT abuse. E.g.: blows by hand, strap, or light switch on buttocks, or firm handling, scolding, or light taps, insufficient to seriously bruise or medically injure or disable.  [Code Ann. §§ 45.2001(a)(1); 45.0103(20); 45.0104]

(4)     NOTE #2:  The injury from abuse or neglect may also be a mental injury.

(B)    Sexual Abuse or Exploitation:  [Code Ann. §§ 46.3601 to 46.3617 and 46.3802]

(1)     ACTS: (i) rape; (ii) sexual assault; (iii) sexual abuse; (iv) indecent exposure; etc.

(a)      Context: the age of consent is 16; there is no close-in-age exemption. Mistake-in-age is not a defense for age <14.  [Code Ann. §§ 46.3603(b), 46.3604(a)(2), 46.3610(a); 46.3611(a)(2); 46.3612(a); 46.3615(a)(2)]  Sex between children, each under age 16, may be a crime for both.

(b)      Context: incest means marriage, sexual intercourse or deviate sexual intercourse, knowing the other person to be one’s: (a) ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption; (b) stepchild or stepparent, while the marriage creating that relationship exists and while the stepchild is 18 years of age or less; (c) brother or sister of whole or half-blood; or (d) uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of whole blood.  [Code Ann. § 46.3802]

(2)     SOME DEFINITIONS: (i) sexual abuse (sexual contact outside of marriage either without consent, forcibly, or with a child age <14) ; (ii) molestation (sexual intercourse with a child age <12); (iii) sexual assault (intercourse outside of marriage either with someone incapacitated or with a child age <14); (iv) sodomy (sodomy outside of marriage either without consent, forcibly, or with a child age <14); and (v) promoting prostitution (knowingly for a child under age 16).

(3)     SEXUAL EXPLOITATION: a child’s parents, legal guardian, custodian, or any other person responsible for the child’s health and welfare allows, permits, or encourages a child (i) to engage in prostitution OR (ii) be the subject of obscene or pornographic photos, films, or depictions.  [Code Ann. § 42.2001(a)(1)(B)]

(C)     Neglect (some subclasses overlap):  [Code Ann. §§ 45.2001(a)(1); 45.0103(19)]

(1)     DEPRIVATION: Any caregiver fails to provide adequate: (i) food; (ii) clothing; (iii) shelter; (iv) medical care; or (v) supervision; that a prudent parent would.

(a)      Using prayer alone according to a recognized church instead of medical treatment for a child is NOT medical neglect, but a court may intervene.  [Code Ann. §§ 45.2001(a)(1); 45.0103(20); 45.0104]

(2)     DEPENDENCY means the parent, guardian, or legal custodian does any of: (i) abandonment; (ii) mistreatment or abuse or permits it; (iii) fails to provide proper parental care; or (iv) does not provide proper or necessary subsistence, education, medical care, or other care for health, guidance, or well-being;

(3)     ENVIRONMENT: A child’s environment is injurious.

(4)     NO-FAULT: A child is (a) homeless; (b) without proper parental care; or (c) not domiciled with the parent, guardian, or legal custodian, through no fault of theirs.

This document provides legal information, not legal advice.
F. Russell Denton, Ph.D., Esq.
ISBN No. 979-8-9886484-0-6
©️ Pinion Feather Press, LLC, 2020, 2023.